Homemade Cream Cheese Recipe: Smooth and Creamy Delight


2-3 tablespoons lemon juice or white vinegar
Salt (optional, to taste)
1 quart (4 cups) whole milk


Heat the whole milk in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium heat until it reaches a gentle simmer, stirring occasionally.
Remove the milk from the heat and stir in 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice or white vinegar. Allow the mixture to sit for 10-15 minutes to curdle.
Line a strainer with cheesecloth or a clean kitchen towel and place it over a bowl or sink.
Carefully pour the curdled mixture into the lined strainer to separate the curds (solid) from the whey (liquid).
Gather the edges of the cheesecloth or towel and tie them together to form a bundle. Hang the bundle over the sink or a bowl and let it drain for several hours or overnight.
Once the curds have drained to your desired consistency, transfer them to a bowl.
Stir in salt to taste, if desired, for added flavor.
Store the homemade cream cheese in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks.
Customize your cream cheese by adding herbs, spices, or other flavorings during the mixing stage, if desired

Indulge in the satisfaction of crafting your own smooth and creamy homemade cream cheese with just two main ingredients. Our easy-to-follow recipe guides you through the process, resulting in a delightful spread perfect for bagels, crackers, or as a dip. Customize it to your taste and enjoy the freshness of homemade goodness.

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