Castella Cake Recipe

Castella Cake Recipe



– 4 medium eggs (at room temperature)

– 110g sugar

– 2-3 tablespoons honey

– 100g strong flour




1. **Beat the Eggs and Sugar:**

– In a metal bowl, crack the eggs and add the sugar.

– Place the bowl over boiling water and beat with an electric beater on high speed for 6 minutes. The mixture should increase in volume about fourfold.


2. **Incorporate Honey:**

– Add the honey to the egg mixture and beat on medium speed for about 30 seconds.


3. **Add the Flour:**

– Sift 1/3 of the flour into the mixture and beat slightly on medium speed.

– Add another 1/3 of the flour and beat again.

– Finally, add the last 1/3 of the flour and beat until the mixture is smooth and homogeneous, about 1 minute. Be careful not to overmix, as this could cause the cake to become flat.


4. **Prepare the Mold:**

– Line a mold with sulfurized (parchment) paper.

– Pour the batter into the mold.

– Using a skewer, draw a zig-zag pattern through the batter to remove any large air bubbles. This helps ensure an even texture.


5. **Bake:**

– Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F).

– Bake the cake for 10-15 minutes, or until the top is nicely browned.

– Cover the cake with absorbent paper, lower the oven temperature to 170°C (340°F), and continue baking for approximately 55 minutes.

– Check for doneness by inserting a skewer into the center of the cake; it should come out clean.


6. **Cool the Cake:**

– Once baked, remove the cake from the mold and immediately cover the surface with plastic wrap.

– Flip the cake onto a flat plate and, while it is still hot, place it in a plastic bag.

– Let it sit for 12 hours to develop a fluffy texture.


7. **Serve:**

– Before serving, trim the edges of the cake.

– Enjoy with tea or coffee and a dollop of Chantilly cream for added indulgence.


This Castella cake is known for its delicate, fluffy texture and light sweetness, making it a perfect treat for any occasion.

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