Marinated Cucumbers, Onions, and Tomatoes: A Refreshing Summer Salad

**Marinated Cucumbers, Onions, and Tomatoes: A Refreshing Summer Salad**


Marinated Cucumbers, Onions, and Tomatoes is a delightful dish that combines the freshness of vegetables with a tangy marinade. This recipe not only tantalizes the taste buds but also offers a healthy addition to any meal. Learn how to prepare this simple yet flavorful salad that dates back to traditional culinary practices.

– 2 large cucumbers, thinly sliced
– 1 large red onion, thinly sliced
– 2-3 tomatoes, cut into wedges or slices
– 1/2 cup white vinegar
– 1/4 cup olive oil
– 2 tablespoons sugar
– 1 teaspoon salt
– 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
– 2 cloves garlic, minced
– 1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill (optional)
– Fresh parsley or basil for garnish


1. **Prepare the Vegetables:**
– Wash and thinly slice the cucumbers and red onion. Cut the tomatoes into wedges or slices as desired.

2. **Make the Marinade:**
– In a small bowl, whisk together the white vinegar, olive oil, sugar, salt, black pepper, minced garlic, and chopped dill (if using) until the sugar and salt are dissolved.

3. **Combine Ingredients:**
– In a large mixing bowl, combine the sliced cucumbers, onions, and tomatoes.

4. **Marinate the Vegetables:**
– Pour the prepared marinade over the vegetables. Gently toss to coat all the vegetables evenly.

5. **Chill and Let Flavors Develop:**
– Cover the bowl with plastic wrap or transfer the mixture into a sealed container. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour, allowing the flavors to meld together.

6. **Serve:**
– Before serving, taste and adjust seasoning if necessary. Garnish with fresh parsley or basil.

Marinated salads like this one have been a staple in various culinary traditions for centuries. They are rooted in the practice of preserving vegetables using vinegar and oil, which not only enhances flavor but also extends shelf life. This method of marinating likely originated as a way to enjoy vegetables year-round, especially during times when fresh produce was scarce.

– **Nutritional Benefits:** Cucumbers, onions, and tomatoes are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, contributing to overall health and well-being.
– **Hydration:** Cucumbers are high in water content, helping to keep you hydrated.
– **Low in Calories:** This salad is low in calories and can be part of a balanced diet.
– **Digestive Aid:** The vinegar in the marinade may aid in digestion and provide probiotics if using raw apple cider vinegar.

Enjoy the crispness and tang of Marinated Cucumbers, Onions, and Tomatoes as a side dish or a light lunch option. This recipe not only brings together vibrant flavors but also offers a glimpse into culinary traditions that emphasize freshness and simplicity. Experiment with the ingredients and make it your own, savoring the benefits of a wholesome, homemade salad.

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